Sunday, March 17, 2013

Music Video Help!

Quite a few of you have bragged on my (amateur) music video making. I thought it would only be fair to make you guys a music video help video! The links to download CamStudio and Sony Vegas Pro 8.0 are below! Along with a link to flvto!

I hope this helps jammers, and I hope you enjoy making your music videos, if you have any questions about this, any at all, please feel free to comment below this post and ask me! I will reply as soon as possible. Keep on jamming, jammers!


DragonWolf70 said...

Thank you so much for uploading this! I LOVE your videos and want to try to make some of my own :3 Although they wont even COMPARE to yours! Im still listening to your latest video the song is AWESOME :D

Metropolis said...

It is an awesome song indeed! And nah, I'm sure your videos will rock! And your very welcome, have fun video making!